The American Sovereignty PAC is a grassroots conservative, independent expenditure political action committee. We are American voters working to reelect President Trump, advance his pro-liberty policies, and elect a pro-Constitution Congress committed to defending our God-given rights.
American Sovereignty PAC advocates ONLY for candidates like President Trump who stand foursquare on our republic’s Founding principles of responsible self-government and decent freedom. Candidates must honor our national compact enshrined in the Declaration of Independence; they must be duty-bound by oath to uphold our U.S. Constitution. We ardently oppose all others.
We are fed up with the career politicians in Washington today who betray us and block critical reforms. Most people rightfully refer to the Washington DC establishment as the “swamp” and many of the GOP majority as “RINOs – Republicans In Name Only.” We are taking them on with Mission 2020 in these vital elections by providing independent citizen support to champion American sovereignty, security and prosperity, and advance ONLY stalwart conservatives who uphold the Constitution.
Americans overwhelmingly reject intrusive, freedom-robbing socialism, but they also have had enough broken promises, with RINO betrayal of our natural and legal rights, and establishment undermining of our Founding institutions. The only way things will improve is if we replace a bad Congress with real conservatives who will fight for the right alongside President Trump. Mission 2020 is to provide support in critical contests and elect a Congress that will truly stand strong with President Trump and his pro-liberty administration.
We all talk about getting establishment swamp people out of office. We are shocked and dismayed by the power and corruption of the permanent bureaucracy and the Deep State. Yet we continue to donate to the Washington GOP and Republican PACs – so we get the same RINOs who thwart reform against these evils, while President Trump and We the People suffer the same political and policy betrayals year after year. Enough! We CAN fix this. We invite YOU to help American Sovereignty PAC and Mission 2020 speak directly to your fellow Americans, vote the "swamp" out, reelect President Trump and win new, principled, conservatives to Congress!